Thrive Market Review

Estimated read time 3 min read

When I’m out shopping, I always try to make the best choices for both my health and the environment. I look for foods with ingredients I can pronounce, that don’t have added chemicals or growth hormones, and are minimally processed. I look for these foods at my normal grocery store and often supplement what I can find there with trips to Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods.

I know these options aren’t available to everyone (and even if they are,  you can’t always find everything you’re looking for) so I wanted to share my recent experience with Thrive Market.

What is Thrive Market?

According to their website, “Thrive Market is a membership community that uses the power of direct buying to deliver the world’s best healthy food and natural products to our members at wholesale prices, and to sponsor free memberships for low-income American families.” The Three Thrive Market Promises are:

  1. Only the highest quality healthy and natural products
  2. Always at prices 25 to 50% off retail
  3. Always committed to sustainability and social justice

I recently tried Thrive Market after reading about it on a couple of other blogs. I ordered a random smattering of items: coconut oil, Justin’s Almond Butter – Yum!, some Dr. Bronner’s soaps (including Sals Suds which I plan to try out as laundry detergent later), a chocolate bar, a couple of different kinds of coconut cream, and BlueAvocado (Re)Zip One Cup Bag, Moss Green, 2-Pack which are turning out to be one of my favorite things for my lunch box!

I was really impressed with the selection of items – from food to beauty products to home goods and even stuff for pets! They also have an option to shop by values so if you follow a gluten free diet, or paleo diet, or are a mom, or vegan, or prefer raw foods, or are just looking to stock up your pantry with the basics, you can easily find those items. I was a big fan of their non-food items as well (as I mentioned, those BlueAvocado bags are awesome. I’ve taken them with me to work for snack bags ever since I got them). I highly recommend you check it out if you’re looking for alternative/healthier food options, sustainable non-food items, or want the convenience of getting these things delivered to your house!! I also plan to do a little holiday/gift shopping on Thrive Market. If anyone would like check them out, here’s my referral link:

For each one of you that becomes a member, Thrive Market donates a membership to a low-income family through their Thrive Gives initiative. Additionally,  using the link above, you’ll get 15% off your order. It’s always nice to have a discount when you’re trying something out! If you give Thrive Market a shot, leave a comment or drop me an email to tell me what you think of it!

This is not a paid post. I received no compensation from Thrive Market, and aside from the order I mentioned above, I don’t think they even know who I am. I just really loved the website and think it has a lot to offer so I wanted to share it so you can check it out too!

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