Little Seed – EWG Skin Deep

Estimated read time 2 min read

Little seeds are sound-bite posts where I share a quick thought, video, article, or some other bit of interesting information.

This week I want to share one of my go-to resources when I am shopping for body/beauty products. I am trying to transfer over all my household products (from cleaning to laundry detergent to body wash and lotion) to be greener and more sustainable. When I am just about out of something, I log onto the Environmental Working Group’s website and check out different products on their Skin Deep database. They rate sun care products, makeup, skin care, hair, nails, fragrances, oral care, and products for men, babies, and moms (there are many sub-categories underneath these broader ones). Each product is rated for it’s Overall Hazard level, Cancer concerns, Developmental & Reproductive Toxicity, Allergies & Immunotoxicity, and Use Restrictions. The scale range goes from low to moderate to high. They also discuss concerns regarding specific ingredients and what those concerns are (so instead of just saying “this is bad for you” it says things like “organ system toxicity (non-reproductive)” or “Irritation (skin, eyes, or lungs)” which I think is much more descriptive and helpful. They make it so easy to make better choices for both myself (who wants to be loaded up with chemicals!) and the environment. Check it out! And drop a note in the comments if you use it and what you think of the database!

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